Japanese pop culture


Johnny’s: NEWS, Arashi, Kis-My-Ft2, Sexy Zone, SixTONES

Jpop/Jrock: L’arc-en-ciel / Hyde , Nissy (Nishijima Takahiro), AAA, Dreams Come True, Official Higedandism, etc.

I’ve been following NEWS and Arashi for a long time, Sexy Zone and SixTONES since 2018 and Kis-My-Ft2 most recently in 2020. Since they are idols groups, I am most active in following them because they have many activities aside from music.

I’m constantly discovering more artists especially now that streaming services like Spotify and YouTube have their music available outside of Japan.

Movies and dramas

Mostly I try to keep up with the currently airing dramas. During my time in Japan I also tried to watch movies when they came out. I can follow most dramas and movies without subtitles but still need help especially for specific vocabularies.

Mainly I enjoy watching the following genres: mystery, detective/police, comedy, romantic comedy. I don’t often watch sad ones, but will watch inspiring and lighthearted ones. Recently, there have been many tv or movie adaptations of manga/anime or novels as well and it’s interesting to see the ones I know of prior to their screen adaptations.

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