NEWS, Japan trip updates

So  2 days of good news: Passed JLPT N2!!!! One step away from N1, but I'm gonna take N2 again later this year to improve my score before actually taking N1 Takarazuka Revue's Hanagumi will be doing Me and My Girl next year, running from 4/29-6/6 in Takarazuka and 6/24-7/31 in Tokyo! Originally, I wanted… Continue reading NEWS, Japan trip updates

JLPT and Japan Trip

Well it's been 2 weeks since JLPT. I'm pretty sure I failed, but now I know up to how much I need to study more, and have a better chance of passing next time. One thing I obviously need to work on is kanji and vocabulary. Just too many words I didn't recognize. Surprisingly, grammar… Continue reading JLPT and Japan Trip