First week as a junior

Technically, my first week of school ends tomorrow, because I still have a class. But I still think of Fridays as the last day of class.

Mondays are our free day here in UP Diliman, so classes started Tuesday. My first class was on Money and Banking at 8:30 am. The professor didn’t prepare a syllabus yet, so he just gave a short introduction and dismissed. Ok, so my next class would be in 4 and a half hours later at 2:30. Everyday is like that for me. I had Environmental Economics, we were given the syllabus and within a minute of reading it, I already felt the weight of the workload this course would demand from me. Right after that, I had Spanish class in a building around half a kilometer away, and since no jeepneys around campus went that way (they go in the opposite direction)I had to walk, which was okay given that I had a lot of time. I actually made a mistake with the room number and ended waiting at the 4th floor, where one of my subjects the next day would be. Thankfully, as the timew drew nearer and I began wondering where my classmate were and why the heck the classroom wasn’t even open, I realized my mistake. I arrived just in time. Our teacher is really fun, and I think this class just might be my favorite this semester.

So ends my first day.

The next day, class started at 7am for me. After lazing around during the summer, I found it hard to get up early. I had Mathematical Economics,and as usual, we were given the syllabus and dismissed early. Filipino 40 was next at 1pm, and our professor didn’t show. I had walking for PE at 3pm, and like my previous class, the teacher didn’t show. Basically, I had one class that day, at 7am. I woke up early for one class. I spent the afternoon waiting with my classmates, when I could have spent it sleeping. I did manage to photocopy some readings for my subjects the next day.

Third day, lectures officially began. Nothing really interesting from the subjects. This time, I had little time to walk from Enviro Econ class to Spanish, which I managed in 10 minutes. Good thing I made it in time for the roll call. It rained really hard that day and we were beginning to make progress.

Today, we started Mathematical Economics with matrixes, revisiting a topic in Math60 when I was in first year. My Fil40 professor showed up, gave us the syllabus, divided us into groups and assigned us topics for reporting. Already, like Enviro Econ, I can tell this is gonna burden me. For PE, it turns out we waited at the wrong palce last time, becuase of a communication error. So our teacher checked attendance, gave a few rules and we were dismissed.

It hasn’t been a tough week, although the temperature made me wish I had night class instead. I’ll be busy in the weekend, reading, reviewing, researching…

The one thing keeping me positive? The fact that I’m halfway done with college

2 thoughts on “First week as a junior”

  1. Hi! Are you Fil40 under Jocson Schedar? 🙂

    Just want to ask, i wasnt able to get the syllabus :/ :/ What’s the coverage of the exam? Lahat ba ng readings?

    Hope to hear from you!

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